My grandmother used to tell the same story repeatedly about how I would sit in front of speakers, while still in diapers, and “conduct” the music playing… in tempo. She said that occasionally, I would imitate a cymbalist in perfect time.

   I grew up in a profoundly musical household. My father, being a professional musician, started my trumpet lessons ever since I could pretty much push the valves. In the years that followed, I sat “first seat” in classical, orchestral, jazz, marching and pit bands. I was fortunate enough take lessons from former members of Earth, Wind & Fire, and performed with other talent, including who is now the lead drummer of the legendary band, Blue Oyster Cult.

   After my mom passed away, my father and I worked on music together to help us cope. My dad would play his horn or sing old tunes to background tracks, and I would sit behind the 8-track TEAC recorder and other processing gizmos and put it all together. It wasn’t long before I was hooked, and my passion of music shifted from performing it to recording and reproduction. I would demo everything I could get my hands on (I still do), studied audio engineering, speaker technology and sound reproduction. Sitting in on sessions with the legendary DJ Glenn Friscia was a true highlight.

He made our wedding one to remember forever!
— Ellie S.

   One day back in the 90’s, a friend asked if I wanted to DJ his party. I had the equipment, so I thought it would be fun to give it a try. It didn’t take long before the place went nuts. People were dancing up a storm all night. It was that moment that I realized the true enjoyment of alluring folks to get up and dance and enjoy life.

   Fast-forward to today… I am nonetheless a completely self-taught DJ, buying all the necessary gear with money saved up, learning by bringing a new piece of musical technology home, plugging it in, and pushing all the buttons until something happened. My musical style and performance is a reflection of my influences and experience, and I have a vibe that lets people get loose and gets them dancing. I’m comfortable behind the decks, interact with the dance floor, and as you can tell, absolutely obsessive about music.